Total delivery

New production with new energy production

We have collaborated on several projects with NCC in the role of a total supplier of solar energy. Read more about the work on the turnkey photovoltaic plants here!
In addition to industry knowledge and processes, delivering a turnkey whole to new productions also requires a strong sense of coordination, communication and documentation. Read more about some of our solar energy projects together with NCC.

NCC appointed SBP as the total supplier of solar energy to several new production projects following a national investigation and procurement.

New schools are undeniably the future of society and that most of these will be operated with solar energy from SBP, we are undeniably proud of. In addition to supplying industry knowledge and process thinking, new production projects place high demands on documentation and coordination/communication with other partners during the project. That even before the start of the project we received very good feedback on our calculation and tender documentation, we already bode well for a successful joint project.

In most new production projects there are of course several stakeholders and contacts we interact with. Are you interested in getting a personal opinion from any of these? Contact us more closely for reference numbers.

Summary contains the project

•3 turnkey photovoltaic installations

•Technology selection adapted to the customer's wishes and requirements

•Most coordination and process meetings

•Real-time visualisation screen


Stockholm's largest photovoltaic area

In Atrium Ljungberg's ambition to create living and sustainable urban environments, green energy has an obvious place. We have helped to create the opportunity for them to produce more than 1,000,000 kWh and that every year

To the project