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A complete supplier
of Greentech

We deliver turnkey solutions nationally in green technology to companies, always based on your unique needs. Everything from solar energy and solar farms to energy storage, electric car charging and much more.

We deliver turnkey solutions in green technology to companies, always tailored to your business needs. From solar energy, energy storage, electric car charging services, and more.

Full-service provider in greentech

Turnkey facilities for companies in solar energy, energy storage, electric vehicle charging, and other green technologies.

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Curious about your possibilities?

Find out how much solar energy you can produce by entering your details here

Make a free analysis here

Find out how much solar energy you can produce on your property

The company's basic data allows us to locate which property to count on.

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The company's basic data allows us to locate which property to count on.

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The company's basic data allows us to locate which property to count on.

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Within 48 hours, a representative of SBP will return with a result

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Sustainable Business Partner
sustainable Business Partner

Make a sustainable investment with SBP - 20% always goes back.

We are your green business partner in renewable energy who always strives to give back what we can. Therefore, 10% of the company's profits go to charitable projects in the field of environment and sustainability. Another 10% we give to our employees, who are the heart and soul of our organization.
We want to be your long-term choice as a partner and tailor complete solutions to ensure that your business can meet environmental requirements well into the future.

Together we want to contribute to a greener world!

Our services

Customer process
- from start to finish

This is how we work as a total supplier in three fundamental steps.

Study & Analysis

We analyze your business and property based on your unique needs through accurate calculations of energy and economy. After that, we recommend the best technical solution for your specific needs.

We give you complete information to base your decisions on and takes care of everything from building permits and logistics to system configuration and construction in 3D. It also includes implementation and project management.

We always take into account the many factors in the choice of solution in terms of quality, warranty conditions, durability, efficiency-at-price and bankability of the producer.

Project & Installation

We manage the entire process - from design to implementation and deployment - with the help of our project managers and authorized technicians.
During the work we ensure that logistics, work environment and safety, checklists and self-checks goes according to plan before a complete start-up.

You can choose to remotely follow the project status digitally in real time!

All our processes are built on the basis of continuous learning and we build our project structure digitally with clear GANT structure and logical dependencies to ensure that everything is done in the correct order.

Service & Follow-up

After installation, you can feel safe with our digital monitoring and efforts to maintain the technology when needed.
You get access to our follow-up tool where you can both in real time and historically follow the performance of your investment. Through your nearest account manager you will also receive ongoing updates where we help you navigate through the development within green technology in the future.

We hope you get value of our overall process with us as your supplier.

Some of our customers

Atrium Ljungberg Solar Cells

" The collaboration with SBP works just fine in my world! I hardly notice them because they are so self-propelled and it saves a lot of my time. The project team feels a bit like an eternity machine that just toughens through the project's different steps. "

Peter Thörnberg Atrium Ljungberg
Peter Thörnberg
Atrium Ljungberg

Latest news on green technology

Up to 500 tonnes of reduced CO2 emissions per commercial photovoltaic plant per year in Sweden. The numbers can vary greatly depending on size as well as Co2 footprint.
By 2045, Sweden shall have no net greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, and then achieve negative emissions.
One per cent of Sweden's energy mix is solar energy - even though solar energy has increased by more than 10,000 per cent (!) in Sweden over the last ten years.