
Electricity tax increases - by almost 10 percent

December 12, 2023
Photo: eyegelb (iStock)
Photo: eyegelb (iStock)
It was long debated that the annual indexation of electricity prices would be put on hold due to the economic situation. This did not materialize and instead the electricity tax will be increased by 3.6 öre per kWh excluding VAT at the turn of the year.

The annual indexation of the electricity tax usually follows inflation, which has resulted in the unusually high increase for next year. The electricity tax for companies will be raised from 39.2 öre to 42.8 öre per kilowatt - an increase of a little less than 10 percent.
- It is undeniably an indexation that is high above the levels we expect in a healthier market. At the same time, it is something that shows how an investment in solar energy is something that pays off both today and in the long term because you avoid electricity tax on self-produced solar electricity, says Andreas Backström, CEO of SBP, and continues:

- In recent years, people have often talked about spot prices in relation to high electricity prices, but it has been easy to miss the fact that electricity tax and other charges are also added to the total electricity price.

Previously, the government indicated that the annually adjusted energy tax would be paused from 2023 levels, which has now not happened. According to Företagarna, this will have a negative impact on the country's companies and is critical of the increase.
- "We assessed that a paused increase would result in lower cost pressure for companies," commented Patrick Krassén, Företagarna's tax policy expert, in an article on their website.

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