
The UN climate summit is under way - this has happened

February 18, 2022
Photo: Number 10 - Flickr/Creative Commons.
Photo: Number 10 - Flickr/Creative Commons.
The UN climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, concludes on 12 November. But already a lot has been agreed and signed. Read here about what has happened so far.

So far, there has been some storming around the UN climate summit in Glasgow. Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators have partly characterized the news reporting and Greta Thunberg has called the meeting "a publicity event where leaders give beautiful speeches and nice promises", reports SVT.

However, new progress has also been made on the global sustainability issue in some areas.

Some 40 countries have now signed a coal-fired power agreement, under which they have committed themselves to phasing out coal power. On the other hand, the US, China, India and Australia, the world's largest producers of coal power, have chosen to remain outside the agreement.
The conditions are that the richer countries will be able to achieve the target of phasing out by 2030 and the poor will have another ten years to achieve the targets.

Deforestation has already been a hot topic and has also been considered fruitless. Already at a UN meeting in New York in 2014, most countries promised to stop deforestation by 2030, but this has proved fruitless. In Glasgow, more than 100 countries have signed agreements to stop deforestation, representing 90% of the world's forests, according to SVT. Brazil, Congo-Kinshasa and Indonesia are three major forest countries that have signed the agreement - but the latter have questioned the terms of the agreement.

In addition, 450 financial market companies have signed agreements promising to switch to green energy and work on the ambition to reach the 1.5 degree target from the Paris Agreement. The companies that have signed up control 40% of the world's assets.

The climate summit will last during the week and end on 12 November after just over two weeks of negotiations. The goal of the meeting is to negotiate how the Paris Agreement will be implemented in practice, svt writes.

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