Solna residents are the ones with the most electric cars in the whole country, according to transport analysis's latest report. As many as 18 percent drive fossil-free and this creates the need for charging posts. That is why the Social Democrats have now proposed creating so-called 'charging streets', which will be included in the party's budget, which will be voted on in November.
"Solna is so densely populated that it should be a pioneer municipality. Today, Solna's biggest climate impact is traffic and then the electrification of car traffic is a necessity," opposition councillor Sara Kukka-Salam (S) told local newspaper Mitt I.
This would mean that many regular parking spaces on the designated streets will be dedicated solely to electric vehicles.
"It should be easy to be climate smart in Solna, if it means that it is easier to find a parking space if you have an environmental car, then so be it," says Sara Kukka-Salam.
"I'd rather have chargers in several places"
Two years ago, the City of Solna promised to build 40 charging stations in Solna. Yet only a few are in use today. Magnus Persson (C), chairman of the technical committee in Solna, tells the local newspaper that difficulties in connecting the electricity have made it a longer process than expected. He believes that the need for more charging stations is obvious, but is critical of the proposal.
- There is no doubt that more charging stations are needed in every district. But I'd rather have charging in several places in Solna than just at one specific location.
The streets targeted by the proposal are Råsundavägen in Råsunda, Björnstigen in Bergshamra, Fridenborgsvägen in Ulriksdal, Armégatan in Huvudsta and Hagalundsgatan in Hagalund.