
Four giants of green energy: "fossil-free electricity generation needs to be switched up"

February 18, 2022
Genre image. Photo: Creative Commons.
Genre image. Photo: Creative Commons.
Green electricity generation needs to deliver more. This is what four of the country's largest energy organizations write when they join forces in an opinion article in DN.

"It is not impossible that we will need about 500 TWh of electricity by 2050, compared to today's 140 TWh". It can be read in an article on dn debate from yesterday.
Behind the debate article are four industry representatives in green energy: Anna Werner, Svensk Solenergi, Johanna Lakso, Power Circle,Daniel Badman, Svensk Vindenergi and Björn Aronsson, Vätgas Sverige.

In the article, they point out that it takes a fourfold increase in electricity use over the next 30 years to achieve the sustainability goals of a fossil-free Sweden by 2050. For this to be achieved, the government must make further efforts in green energy.

They welcome the government's work on the electrification strategy, the national strategy that will contribute to rapid, smart and socio-economically efficient electrification. By October 2021, the strategy, led by Energy Minister Anders Ygeman, will be in place.
The four trade associations, on the other hand, point out that they need to act more forcefully: Today's electricity production is severely affected and this can lead to Sweden inevitably becoming fossil fuel dependent. They continue to believe that "Sweden has a lot to gain from accelerating the energy and climate transition to become a leader in the development of innovative and competitive technological solutions".

Press here to read the debate article in full.

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