For46 per cent of the population would consider paying more for solar cells that are sustainably produced and 72 per cent want solar energy in their home. In addition, sustainability (48 percent) outweighs economy (41 percent) when it comes to installing solar cells. This is what the municipal electricity company in Södertälje, Telge Energi, writes in a press release after an investigation they conducted in collaboration with Kantar Sifo.
"It's great to see that sustainability is a priority. Now the industry must take over and drive the market towards more sustainable products," says Niklas Holmberg at Telge Energi.
One of the calls in the press release is that more companies and apartment buildings need to build photovoltaic facilities to achieve The Swedes' will; more than a third of Swedes see solar power as the single most important source of energy in the future.
Today, solar power does not even reach a 1 percent share in the Swedish electricity grid, which is far from the 10 percent target within the next five years set by the organization Svensk Solenergi. The objective is at a level that Germany, among others, has long passed.
Already last summer, a survey conducted by Svensk Solenergi showed that over half of Swedes believe that they will own a solar plant within the next ten years.