From 1 July 2021, energy tax shall not have to be paid for PV installations with capacity below 500 kWh. This, says Anna Werner, CEO of Swedish Solar Energy, is a major step forward in establishing the green energy in the Swedish electricity grid.
It is in an ad article in DN's appendix Gröna Hem that she takes a positive view of the development in green energy.
"It is under way, and it will mean a lot to, for example, the willingness to invest in industries. But also for private individuals who want to switch to sun. You want to be able to use it even when the sun isn't shining. Solar energy is the only type of energy today where the common man can be the direct owner of the production. You can't really have your own nuclear power plant on the roof," says Anna Werner in the article.
In addition, she wants politicians at the parliamentary level "to make it easy for the county administrative boards to accept solar energy". A sustainable solution is local solar farms.
We can also soon hope for the implementation of EU legislation on energy communities. Svensk Solenergi wants consumers to be able to merge with a local solar farm and buy electricity directly from it in an energy community and thus not use the electricity grid for more than a very short distance. The fact that electricity is not transported so far could then be rewarded either by lower energy tax or more favourable electricity network charges
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