
Webinar on inverters for solar cells a success

February 18, 2022
Image source: Swedish Solar Energy.
Image source: Swedish Solar Energy.
Svensk Solenergi and Energiföretagen hosted the webinar "Direct Right - support for photovoltaic installations". It was both successful and well attended, according to a press release.

Through the Webinar "DirectIng Right - support for photovoltaic installations", the Trade Associations Svensk Solenergi and Energiföretagen want to place higher demands on inverters.
There are already some EU directives on how inverters should be connected to the electricity network. Through the commitment Target Right, the two trade associations want to simplify registration and ensure that they meet the quality and safety requirements. The initiative was started with Denmark as the great role model," Svensk Solenergi writes in a press release.

The notification is reviewed by electricity network companies

In connection with this, Energiföretagen launched a list of approved inverters on their website. In order to be included in it, the organisation shall review the information notified about the inverter using their assessment team, which has representatives from several electricity network companies.

The webinar can be viewed afterwards on Youtube. Tap here to get to the presentation.

Inverter facts
Solar cells provide DIRECT current (DC) but the electrical appliances in the home use AC. The inverter converts DC to AC. They also control so that the solar cells are optimally loaded so that you get the most out of different solar radiation.

Source: Swedish Energy Agency.

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