- Nordika Fastigheter aims to implement solar energy and energy storage wherever possible, and it is great to be part of their long-term sustainability commitment, says Olle Rubarth, Account Advisor at SBP.
The project builds on a long-standing collaboration with Nordika Fastigheter. Previous projects included a solar plant at Karlstad CCC (read more about it here), which is a landmark in the city.
One of the particular challenges of this project is the unusual architecture of some parts of the property, which is located in Akalla, a short drive north of Stockholm city center. To ensure the efficiency of the PV plant, customized solutions are required in terms of both design and safety at work.
- Some areas have an unusual layout, so we have to think outside the box to find the best solutions for optimal performance based on all the regulations we have to comply with. This is part of our work, and we look forward to solving these challenges. As soon as the building permit is in place, we are ready to start the installation and look forward to delivering a sustainable and long-term solution," says Johan Braunerhielm, responsible project manager from SBP.
By installing solar energy, they help to reduce the environmental impact and create long-term energy benefits for the property.
- It is clear that Nordika has great ambitions in sustainable energy and it feels great to once again be part of that work. The fact that they are now returning customers is a strong receipt for us as a company and it makes the project particularly exciting," says Olle Rubarth.
Nordika Fastigheter focuses on transforming underutilized properties into modern, high-quality objects that benefit both users and the local environment. It strives to achieve building certifications for all its assets upon disposal and has been a strategic member of the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) since 2021 to ensure consistent and comparable sustainability efforts over time.